eriko's journal

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tutorials and Seminars in week 14

Monday 30th of October:
We had a seminar with Joools 'Reflection on Team Process' on the big group C project that we did last week. We had to prepare a powerpoint presentation discussing about issues of people not turning up to group work. We had a good 3 hours discussion! (We were even late to the next lecture.) All of us who attended this seminar has put forth many points and we've managed to expand on this issue at large.
The whole point of working in the group is to communicate and co-operate with one another. I think 'Trust' and 'Responsibility' plays a major role in working in teams.
If the person doesn't turn up several times, then that person will lose the trust from other members of the team.
It is not fair for those of who worked and those who didn't gets the same mark. Thus the idea of writing feedback sheet is good, as this will allow us all to identify who worked and who didn't.

Tuesday 31st of October:
In Interactive Narrative seminar, we were suppose to use Dreamweaver but due to some technical problem, we couldn't use them for our lesson. So instead, we used Flash. It was my first time using Flash so everything was new to me. We first did some scripts then we tried to put pictures on the form. It was hard to understand the process as Flash looked much more comlicated compare to the Javascript we did last week. Although I've learnt how to put pictures on Flash, I think I should practice couple more times in order to memorize the process. But I guess the more I practice, the more I can control and be good at it.

Thursday 2nd of November:
Today I was working with the Narrative project with my colleague (group 14). I think we were very productive and managed to work smoothly. Before coming into today's meeting, we've already made the powerpoint presentation together and all we had to do is to finalize and time it to make sure that it doesn't go over 10 mins. We've decided on what we are going to say in the presentation, then finalized the powerpoint (adjusting a bit) to be ready for tomorrow's presentation. I think our group is working quite well and I'm very pleased. Compare to the first day that we met as a group 14, we know each other much more and this helps us to co-operate even more.



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