eriko's journal

Monday, January 21, 2008

Examples of Existing Animated Movie Trailer

Since the Animation coursework for this term is to create a 30sec trailer with the title 'Odd Couple', I've decided to look at some of the existing 3D Animated trailers.

Here is a trailer for 'Krishna 2', apparently this is known to be the World class animation in India:

The music and the pace of the animation really goes together. I really like how everything is really slow, i.e. the flowers slowly falling down from the tree, and the dance...etc., these all creates the peaceful atmosphere.

Here is another one I found, I decided to put this here as an example of the 30secs trailer.

alien vs predator 2 trailer :

From watching this, I've realized how short the 30 secs trailer is. I think it's going to be hard for me to create a trailer with giving some sort of ideas about the actual Animated storyline within 30 secs.

The next trailer is actually from a Japanese Animated movie that I really want to watch. It's already been shown on the cinema but I've not had a chance to see them yet.

Here is a link to the website:



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