eriko's journal

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feedback for the guest speaker

Writer, Director and Actress

In the lectures on both Thursday and Friday, I learned that there are strong link between the Director and the Actors/Actresses. Understanding or to be in the position of the actors/actresses is very important as it helps the director to carry out his role quickly and in an effective way.

The seminar we had with the two guest speaker was really helpful for me. At the beginning, I didn’t like reading out script in front of the group because I wasn’t feeling confident enough at that time. But as we went through, getting comments and feedback from everyone, I felt more confident to share ideas and get feedbacks.
Having a session with the people from outside of the university made me experience or imagine how it would be like to work in the industry.
There is one particular exercise that I really liked, which was to become one of the characters from your story. This exercise tested me whether I know enough about the character. Answering questions from the group also made me realize that I can develop my character even further.

I enjoyed working with the guest speaker, and as I said before, it really make us understand what it would be like to work in the industry.



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