eriko's journal

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Stage 3 Narrative

Today, we’ve finally finished Narrative stage 3. We were mostly done with the actual project and all we had to do was to create a DVD file burnt onto a DVD and to write the peer assessment form, but it actually took us quite a while to finish them. We’ve started to work on it right after the seminar we had in the morning (which was until 12pm), and finished at around 3:45-ish. Thank goodness we’ve handed in on time!

Basically, what took us so long was the rendering bit in Premiere. When we were testing and finalizing our stills, we’ve found one slide that has got no sound on it, so we had to re-record just one sound that we needed. Well, we also took some time trying to find the technician for to ask for a room and equipment. After recording the sound and added into Premiere, we had to render it and save a copy into the USB pen for it to be burnt onto the DVD in W207. Since it was a heavy file, it has taken ages to render and save the files. And on top of that, the computer that we were using was one of our group member’s laptop and it was running out of battery!! But just by luck, we’ve managed to render and save a copy in the USB pen right before the battery was out.
We also had a problem with burning the DVD file onto the actual DVD-R, but we managed to sort that out changing the computer. The computer in W207 with Windows 2000 was giving us some problems (it wasn’t allowing us to burn the file on the DVD) but we luckily sorted them out after using another computer that has got Windows XP.

Anyways, I’m really relieved that we’re finished with creating the 2 minutes narrative. It was fun working with the people in group 14 and I think I’ve learnt new things throughout this project.

Just thought it might be nice to put 2 images of the cover of our narrative:
Here is the front cover:

This is the back cover:



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