eriko's journal

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Interactive Narrative

I tried to put three print screens showing some code views, but the blogger keeps on giving me an error, so I think I'll try and post them some other time. Instead, I'll write what I did today for Interactive Narrative.

Today, I’ve finally managed to finish most of my Interactive Narrative work. I’ve finished linking all the pictures, put texts and making them appear/disappear when Mouse is over the picture. All I have to do now is test to run all of the pages inside web page.

Through the process of getting this project nearly finished, I had several problems. One of the biggest problem was to get the text appear and disappear when the mouse is over the image. At first, I couldn’t make the text disappear when the mouse is not over the text even though I’ve put in the right function (i.e. onMouseOut and onMouseOver). After a while sitting in front of the computer staring at the screen, I managed to realize that one of the function ‘ShowMe’ was typed in upper case and also in lower case. So the reason why it didn’t work was because I didn’t type exactly the same spelling of the function. So the computer thought that ‘function ShowMe’ and ‘function showMe’ is totally different thing and it didn’t trigger the function.

After understanding that a tiny little misspelling can cause a big problem, I’ve learnt that it is much better to copy and paste the text to avoid misspelling. So after sorting out one of the html page, I’ve copied and pasted onto all the other html pages in Dreamweaver. This allowed me not only to avoid misspelling but also increased my working speed.

Although I had quite a lot of problems in working in Dreamweaver, I’ve learnt a lot through struggling with such problems. I think for this Interactive Narrative project, I was concentrating more on the actual javascript and learning how to work in Dreamweaver rather than thinking deeply about ‘The Space’. But since I’ve now learnt how to work in Dreamweaver, I think I can use this knowledge for future project. Furthermore, even though I was struggling most of the time using Dreamweaver, I still had fun creating html page!



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