eriko's journal

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Recording sound

On 24th of November (Friday), after the lecture in the morning, I’ve stayed at the university to record sounds for our Narrative project. As I’ve managed to book the equipment a day before, we (me, Sid and Rob) were able to start recording sounds straight away. We were actually planning to use the sound booth in W106, but we found that the room was already booked for lighting seminar for group A. So instead, we’ve asked nicely to one of the technician if we could use the sound booth in room 207. We were lucky to use the sound booth as we were actually supposed to book a room before hand. So for next time, I know that not only the equipment but I also need to book a room as well.
It was my first time using or even being in the sound booth. It was really exciting to see all the technical equipment being arranged on the table. Once we close the room, we can’t hear anything from inside and outside! I think it was a good experience for all of us to work in the sound booth, as we’ve all learnt how to connect microphone (a proper one that is set inside the sound booth) to the DAT tape recorder and edit it in the computer in Sound booth. I now know at least a little about using the equipment in sound booth as well as how to use the DAT tape recorder, which will be beneficial for future project.

Here are some of the pictures I took inside the sound booth, working on the Narrative project:



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