eriko's journal

Monday, October 15, 2007

Writing for script media-seminar 1 continued

Here are some of the basic plan for our film:

What the film is about? : ‘A guy being haunted by a duck’

How you see the film (visual style, audio, motif) : no dialogue, camera fade in and fade out, motifs- no car to hitchhike at the beginning and ending.

Some changes in the story: Portuguese dictionary, no cars passing when the character hitchhikes.

Some ideas of each scene:
Scene 1 - No cars passing at all and the character is bored.

Scene 2 - Government office: spills sandwich contents on his pants. Feels embarrassed and also being glance by the manager.

Scene 3 - Newspaper with headline that relates with animal rights of the duck. Also some random words written on notepad (no relation to newspaper).

Scene 4 - Funny dance move, out of tune.

Scene 5 - Fake duck on the pond, no football match.

Scene 6 - Shot from behind the characters’ shoulder onto computer screen.

Scene 7 - Official looking letter (content not official- about the duck)

Scene 8 - Normal queue in the Government office.

Scene 9 - Swimming scene: his swimming suit floats on water.

Scene 10 - zooms in letter, he gets annoyed, he starts hitchhike but no cars.

Ending/Credit - Black screen with ducks.



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